Monday, December 29, 2008


i just got my camera back from being repaired, and i needed to take some photos of comet for a tattoo i plan to get of him, so i took a few shoots of him. he kinda hates the camera....

Friday, October 17, 2008

shannon and jerry

i 2nd shot with erica from idophotography ( a few weekends ago, here are a few images that i liked from that wedding.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

give up

this is a houston based artist, he goes by give up, his work rules

his blog

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


this is trinh, i took some photos of her wearing t-shirts that my friends projects are selling..

then i took a few shots of her with puppy time.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

back and forth across the mason dixon line

I flew back home twice within three months, these are a few images i shot in the state of maryland and pennsylvania while i was home.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


my friend rye contacted me and wrote :
"michael its rye from, well you know. i don't know if this comes as vein, i feel great about the way i look right now facial hair included, was wondering if you can take my picture, once or a-bunch it don't matter. just get back to me"

that message made me laugh and made my shitty morning when i read it, i had to do it, + rye is one of the nicest dudes i met in austin, i true solid good guy...

these are some of the photos..